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Fort Ann Youth League FAYL Spectators and Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behavior in our youth league sports. FAYL is supporting this Code of Conduct to ensure all sports can be enjoyed in a safe, positive environment. Remember all children’s sports are a time for them to develop their technical, physical, tactical and social skills. Winning isn’t everything. Please play your part and observe and respect our Code of Conduct for Spectators and Parents/Guardians at all times.
I will:
• Remember that children play for FUN.
• Applaud effort and good play as well as success.
• Always respect the match officials’ decisions.
• Remain outside the field of play and within the Designated Spectators’ Area. (as determined by Coaches/FAYL Authority)
• Let the coach do their job and do not confuse the players by telling them what to do.
• Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and officials
• Avoid criticizing a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning.
• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behavior.
• Refrain from any negative Social Media or Cyber Bulling in reference to any FAYL related issue. (ZERO TOLERANCE)
• Refer any complaint or suggestion with one of the coaches or directors of the program at a time when the situation can be discussed privately, away from the children or other bystanders; always use discretion.

I understand that if I do not follow this Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by
FAYL league:
I May be:
• Issued with a verbal warning from a Coach or League Official. • Required to meet with the FAYL Board.
• Required to leave the venue by the Coach or League official.
• Requested by the FAYL not to attend future games.
• Suspended or have FAYL membership removed along with any participating dependents.
I have read and understand the above statements and agree to conduct myself in a manner consistent with this FAYL Code of Conduct.

Signature of Parent/Guardian of athlete 
Date _______________

Signature of Parent/Guardian of athlete

Print Athlete name 


668 Goodman Road - P.O. Box 172 
Fort Ann, New York 12827
Phone : 518-361-7280
Email : [email protected]
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